© Did the Abbé Saunière profane the tomb of Marie de Nègre d'Ables? No on was ever astonished that the Marquise de Blanchefort (Dame Marie de Nègre d’Ables) who died before the Revolution, had a very ordinary tomb in the cemetery of Rennes-le-Château.Two English authors, Lynn PICKNETT and Clive PRINCE ("THE REVELATION OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR") suspected that the remains of the Marquise de Blanchefort might be resting in the vault of the Lords of Blanchefort located beneath the Rennes-le-Château church. Accounts of the era report that by raising the "the Knights' slab", the Abbé Saunière could have discovered the hidden entrance of this vault. The double tomb of the Marquis de Fleury de Blanchefort, in the cemetery of Rennes-les-Bains, indicates that another Blanchefort (Dame Marie de Nègre d’Ables) might have two tombs. Q: Did the Abbé Saunière profane the tomb of Marie
de Nègre d'Ables? What can be more mute than a tomb for hiding a secret? In the novel "LE TRIANGLE D’OR", does Maurice Leblanc not indicate that "YA BON", the "nègre" (Negro) who was guardian of the secret, was "mute" because his tongue had been cut off?
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