© The traffic in masses, or the toppled trap The accusation against the Abbé Bérenger Saunière by Mgr de Beauséjour, Bishop of Carcassonne and successor to Mgr Billard, protector of Saunière, concerned essentially a traffic in masses; put plainly, Saunière might have earned substantial revenues for masses that he might never have celebrated.Q: Would this have made him guilty, and excluded
putting at his disposal considerable sums of money coming from a treasure? Summoned to answer the questions of his new Bishop, the Abbé Saunière was unable to retract, and Boudet stopped his payments. The end of the "black years" (end-1915) cannot be explained by payments coming from Austria (in the middle of wartime), but rather by the revelation of the secret of Boudet (died 30 March 1915), following a waiting period of several months so as to not arouse suspicions. |
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