Tuesday July 3rd
(BOOK V, p.76)
A seal is for sealing; it thus contains symbolically
that which is hidden. Alain DESGRIS confirms our REVELATION in his book "LE LIVRE DES
MYSTERES ET REVELATIONS", when he writes on page 121:
"All the symbolism of the Order seems to
point in this direction: the Knights Templar were guardians..."
And on page 373:
"No one ever claimed the most obvious, the
most simple thing imaginable; that of guarding an immeasurable deposit
of a sacred nature, drawing its essence in Christ, as announced since
the beginnings of the world."
In his book, Alain DESGRIS suspected...the existence
of the two JESUS.
The seal of the Order of the Temple in fact
represents two knights on the same horse, which gave rise to a certain
number of questions still unresolved to this day.
The existence of the two knights confirms, in
our view, the ensemble of the five hypotheses formulated by Alain
DESGRIS on pages 116-122 of his book.
Hypothesis no. 2: "Existence of two
Jesus" (who are neither twins nor brothers).
Hypothesis no. 5: "The Templars are
Hypothesis no. 4: "The Templars also guard
the ARK" (one table of the
law represents one Grail, and two tables of
the law would represent two Grails).
On page 260, he writes in sound fashion:
"The Templars could not only indicate: that
they could have been designated or considered themselves as the new
guardians", which would make it possible to accredit the
baphometic figures as representing
ambivalent occult forces, where the separation
of the good God and the bad God would be left to the appreciation and
the freedom conceded to everyone."
This is corroborated by the two other hypotheses.
Hypothesis no. 1: "The double nature of
Jesus." In reality, the one PILATE crucified was the GOOD Jesus, whereas
Jesus BAR-ABA of Rennes-le-Château, secretly guarded by the Templars,
would incarnate EVIL.
Hypothesis no. 3: "The second knight
represents the Devil."
This is why the question on page 260 is judicious.
"Could the Templars be (Symbolically), the
guardians of the evil Serpent?"
This Serpent, black Dragon, Beast, Antichrist, is
awakening today...
Did Alain DESGRIS not write with intuition on page
"After this, he must be released for a
short while." Apoc.