critic of the existence of an Abbé SAUNIERE Treasure, admitted the
discovery (before witnesses, in 1887) of several parchments hidden
behind the high altar of the church of Rennes-le-Château during the
first works. Its contents, which are in Latin, are a compilation of several extracts from the Gospels: Luke VI (1-5) A first reading of this Parchment shows that it is a text relating to the life of "JESUS"; there is nothing astonishing in this, but to our knowledge it was not emphasised, since it concerned a secret directly linked to Jesus. THE HIDDEN MESSAGE OF THE PARCHMENT "TO DAGOBERT II KING AND TO SION BELONGS THIS TREASURE AND IL EST LA MORT" Contrary to the opinion of other
authors, we assert for grammatical reasons that the word "KING"
should refer to "SION" and not to "DAGOBERT". TO DAGOBERT II
1° - Et il est là, mort. (And he is
here, dead.) And he is here, dead: And it means death: And he is love: In fact: The letters S, I, O, N, interpreted as being in relation to "SION", must be read from bottom to top: "NO IS", which means "this is not Jesus", reproducing the handwriting at the bottom of Parchment 2.
"Alpha and Omega" meaning
JESUS The opposite of Jesus designates in reality Jesus Barabbas, who is the opposite of the crucified because he declared: "...I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10.(34). But is he the Christ? "SOLIS* SACERDOTIBUS",
which means: This is the definition of Christ given by "The EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS": "Fix your thoughts on Jesus, the
apostle and high priest whom we confess."
Hebrews 3.(1). Christ is accompanied by his treasure (The King's Tax according to the Abbé Boudet): At the end of the text can be seen, as on the horizontal slab of the tomb of Dame Marie de NEGRE D’ABLES, the initials "PS" surrounded by the curve** which starts before the "P" and ends before the "S". This inscription means: "His treasure made up of gold". The text of the parchment also
reveals two groups of distinctive words: "TREASURE LOCATED IN RHEDAE"
* "SOLIS should not be read as
sole (solium), but as the contraction of two words, solium-Is.
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